The baby pigs. They were only a day old. Colten and Aubrey both loved them. I think we have some real animal lovers on our hands.
Colten holding Grandma Karen's and Aunt Sara's hands. He was a very good listner.
Aubrey loved the bunny. We might have to get one for home now.....JUST KIDDING!
Colten showing us all of the animals. He really had a great time.
Colten and Aubrey in the car. They both really enjoyed it. I can't believe how good of friends they are becoming they love each other so much and it makes me so proud to be their mama!
Cowboy Colten. He wasn't sure at first but ended up happy to ride the horse and didn't want off.
Bricen helped Aubrey ride the fish. He is so sweet to her and calls her pretty girl. It melts my heart every time I hear him say it!