Wow! I can not believe the Holiday's have already come and gone. It is always a bittersweet time of year for us and we are so fortunate for all of the support from friends and family. This year the Tadtman children cashed in! It was a whirl wind of events and we enjoyed every minute of it. We are already looking forward to next year. Colten cried when we took down the tree and said he wanted it to be Christmas again...If only it worked like that.
Here are the pictures from my Moms camera. Don't worry. There will be more from mine, and Uncle Dan's.
Aubrey and Addison. Aubrey REALLY loves "helping" take care of her. It is very cute to watch!
Aubrey opening one of many gifts!
Bricen at our house Christmas morning! Santa was good to him!
Aubrey checking out her new gift!
Colten checking out Aubrey's loot!
Colten playing with another set of drums! He loves them!
Colten helping Aubrey open a gift...Like she needed help!
Colten in the middle of his stash of gifts!
Colten, Bricen, and Aubrey on Christmas morning. This picture makes me thing about how big they all are. I wish we could freeze time!
Aubrey rocking her new Dora glasses!
The kids, and Justin with Addison. She was also spoiled rotten!
My handsome boy! He thinks he is pretty hot stuff now that he is 3!
Aubrey in her new dress up jewelry. We are going to have our hands full. This picture also makes me want to get her ears pierced! I wish I could decide if that was mean or not...I go back and forth!
And finally Santa Colten.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did! We were truly blessed!