Here she is just a day old!

Now the sweetest girl in the world! We love our full of life little sis!
Happy Birthday Aubrey! We can not wait to celebrate with you in a couple of weeks! We love you!
Now the sweetest girl in the world! We love our full of life little sis!
Happy Birthday Aubrey! We can not wait to celebrate with you in a couple of weeks! We love you!
She waved Hi every time she went around. It was very sweet!
She also loved the slide! I am so ready for spring so we can go to the park again!
We had a little down time before the wedding! Colten enjoyed some TV!
An attempt to get a picture of the kids and I!
Aubrey decided she needed another nap before we went to the wedding!
Colten decided a photo shoot sounded like more fun than taking a nap. He was very proud of his outfit!
We have another fun weekend planned this weekend! I can't wait to enjoy every minute of it!
I know Colten is less than thrilled to be taking a picture with me but this is the only I got before we started moving, and once we started moving it was to crazy to try again!
Colten, and Bricen shaking Ernie's hand last night! They have to do it before EVERY game!
I know they are not the best pictures but my memory card was full, and I couldn't delete any off...I am the person who just buys new cards instead of printing pictures....Lame I know!
Miss Aubrey telling Addison all about the world I am sure!
Aubrey and Owen. They are sweet kidos!
Thanks Bricen for letting Aubrey out!
To busy to care about a smile for mom!
I always feel bad that Justin is never in any of the pictures he is around but does a great job of not getting in pictures! We are going to have to work on this!
Our camera man at work at Addison's baptism!
Colten and Auntie Whitney! Whitney turned 22 on Monday, and found out she is having a girl! Happy Birthday Auntie Whit!
Two of my favorite babies and I!
Justin, Colten, and I. Aubrey was home sick with Grandpa...Poor girl!
We ALWAYS have kisses for Addison!