Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Baby Mya
Aubs snuggling Mya.

The girls sure do love their papa!

Let's Go Royal's

Aubrey just kept saying she didn't want to go to the baseball game. She changed her mind once we got there.

Colten liked them even more than Aubrey did!

Colten with the giant ice cream cone. He thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Watching the game, and eating the best popcorn we have ever had!

Needless to say they both fell asleep in about ten seconds that night!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Swimming Fun!
Goofy girl loves the water on her head!
Happy girl after she jumped in.
How can you not love that face?
Can't go to the pool without swim toys!
Partner's in crime! I'm so glad they are so close in age!
She can't get enough of the pool!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Eating his snow cone and loving it!

Post-Game meeting on the field.
Colten and his favoirte player Carter. He is obsessed and I'm not sure what he is going to do next season when Carter is gone!
Maybe his new favorite player will be Mike Kindall!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Oklahoma City!
Aubrey getting ready to go to a game!

Colten at Build - A - Bear! Sorry I know there are a 100 of these but they had so much fun!
Aubrey putting her heart in! She LOVES her hat by the way. We don't go anywhere without it!
Colten trying to pitch at the machine! He did pretty well for a three year old!
We had a three hour rain delay that wasn't much fun!
So we bought dippin dots and played in a puddle! We were desperate to keep them entertained!
Fun in the sprinkler's they loved these! We had to walk past them SEVERAL times and they wanted to stop EVERY time.

Some more Build-A-Bear pictures! Again they LOVED it!