Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Two and a half!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Fan Appreciation
Sweet Aubrey was a very good girl and cheered on her cats!
She liked watching practice too!
And decided she should hold Mya not Auntie Whit!
I love the look on her face!
Now we just have to wait for a "real" game in a couple of weeks! Should be a great time!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
My Wish...
Colten Wished:
1. He could see Carter every day (Carter is his favorite baseball player).
2. He could play golf with daddy every day.
3. He could go to work with mommy every day.
I thought these were beyond sweet! Of course Carter came before mommy and daddy but that's okay! I think that the fact he didn't wish for toys, or anything of that nature says a lot! The fact that he would rather have people than objects makes me one happy mommy!
Aubrey Wished:
1. To hug mommy.
2. To kiss daddy.
Again...she is BEYOND sweet! I am one lucky mama!
Game Night!
Colten choosing a game to play! He was very focused!
Aubrey running to the next game!
Aubrey driving a car! I'm sure she will be driving for real in the blink of an eye!
Colten and the dance game! He loved it, and was pretty good!
He wanted to play like 10 times!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Dinner with Aubs
Who Want's To Go?
Recently the kids have thought that it is the best idea ever to take the dogs with us when we go places. They laugh the whole time we are in the car and fight over who gets to hold Jack! It's pretty sweet, and the dogs love it too!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma Donna!
Aubrey made the cake!

I think she liked the frosting!

After we finished the cake we headed to the olive garden. We had not been to the one here yet! It was great. The kids loved their spaghetti! Poor kids never get it at home because daddy doesn't like it!

They ate all of it! Both of them asked for seconds!

After Olive Garden we went home and Aubrey wanted to hold Mya.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I am so thankful that this weekend was FINALLY nice enough to get the kiddos out of the house! It has been so hot out that we have avoided going outside for the most part. Colten and Aubrey both LOVE to be outside so it has been a very sad story.
Sunday was gorgeous and we took full advantage of the nice day and headed over to an Elementary School close to our house.
This should really be the only time we see him behind bars!
I don't like how big she is getting! Let me tell you she is one SASSY girl!
I love that Colten no longer RUNS from me when I try to take his picture.
Aubrey on the other hand wants no part of having her picture taken!
Of course you can not go to the park with out a trip to the swings!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Colten Update!
In the waiting room!

In the big chair waiting on the doctor!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Weekend Recap
Friday there was a HUGE storm here in town...we lost power at the house and at my office. I was stuck at work until about 7 that night and then to lazy to cook! We wanted to just grab something fast to eat but due to the power outages all over town everywhere was packed! We settled on Gumby's. Aubrey enjoyed herself, but the place was to disgusting for Colten's liking (he was probably right)! We decided to take the pizza and head home so that everyone was happy!

Saturday was Justin's Grandma's 85th birthday! We had a party for her and Aubrey loved the balloons and the cake!

She was lots of help to Aunt Sara and I! Colten and Daddy decided to go play golf while we got ready for the party.

Aubrey also got a new princess dress this weekend.