Okay enough with the pity party onto the important stuff!

The doctor said he’s doing awesome. She wants us to try shots every day for a while (we normally skip Friday nights but Saturday's he is usually a MESS and a giant grump) she said that his body may not be able to handle the hormone missing for a day. She thinks his blood sugar is probably dropping low on the days we skip shots and his body isn’t regulating. She said if I don’t notice a difference I can go back to six days a week! I hope it helps. She said he’s in the 25th percentile (up from the 3rd) in height, and the 25th percentile (up from the 10th) in weight. The doctor also said if she had to guess today she thinks he’s going to be 5’9” which is higher than the 5’2” they said he’d be if we did nothing. It makes me so glad we decided to go ahead with the shots! I know that we don't only do them for the height (he would be missing the hormone all together if we did nothing) but to me that is a big deal. I want him to have EVERY advantage in this world that he can get. As long as he doesn't mind the actual shot I am all for this. I'm so thankful that there is something that can be done to help him. He goes back in September for a follow up, and I expect him to stay on the same curve he's on currently. We are so blessed to have had a 2pound 15ounce baby I wouldn't trade for anything in the world! I am so proud with how hard he fought for his life and I know there are great things in store for him!