Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Justin...
Why is it SO hard to get a picture of the kids together! Gesh!
Again maybe someday they will take good pictures!
I LOVE this picture of my boys!
The flash light was WAY more interesting than me taking a picture!
Helping dad open his gifts!
Happy birthday Justin. Hope your day was beyon perfect. We love you SO much!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Crazy Hair...
This was on Christmas morning and 2009 and she had just woken up but look at it. It still looks pretty good.

Or her Christmas picture from 2009 is pretty good. It's very soft and curly...not how it is anymore.

Or here is is this past fall. On a good hair day it use to be manageable.

But now it's just out of control! I know someday she is going to hate me and tell me that I never tried to style her hair. However that is FAR from the truth. I spend so much time on it only to have it look awful every day (or pretty close to that). I figure I better document that I agree that It is not the best now so that when she says I probably liked her hair like that in a few years I can tell her that is definitely not the case!
On this day it was particularly flat....

I don't even know what to call this. I think it is going at least 85412841 different directions.

Same here it is shorter than the other one (somehow without a hair cut in between the two pictures) but still going tons of different directions!

Here it is to pouffe for words. It just can't ever lay flat and be glad these are all front shots as the back is WAY worse!

Then here recently we are back to it being flat without a lot of body!

So my darling girl when you are ten and hate me for never brushing your hair when you were little please know that is NOT the case. I promise I try you however were not blessed with a good head of hair. However you are blessed in SO many other areas that I think we can probably learn to live with the bad hair!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Happy Birthday Grandma Karen...
Here is grandma opening her new "Grandma's ring". It has every grandchild's birthstone in it including the one's that will be born this summer, and fall. She LOVED it (sorry I'm not sure why the pictures turned out blurry).
The kids really enjoyed looking at it with her.
Why is it always impossible to get a good picture of both kids? I LOVE this picture of him. He is getting SO big and I am so proud to call him mine!
I think this is a great picture of Justin and Aubrey. I love it when they talk to each other, and apparently they had lots to talk about!
Aubrey and Grandma Karen.
All the kids helped Grandma blow out her candles. Aubrey went first since she was the littlest.
The cake was great and Mya loved the ice cream. It was the first time she had really had it and she had seconds! We hope Grandma had a wonderful day. We are so lucky to have such good grandparents for our perfect children and hope they all know how much we appreciate everything they do for us!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Hot Hot Hot...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Justin's 30th...
Drinking a beer waiting for more guests to arrive!
Missing the birthday boy but still a good picture!
Justin's brother Greg, and his mom.
Justin and his best friend David.
I'm not sure how Justin got out of taking this shot!