Thursday, and Friday Justin golfed while the kids and I hit the beach and the little town. It was perfect and the ocean was a block from the hotel in one direction, and town was two blocks the other direction. I definitely got a work out in pushing strollers with Justin's step mom. Saturday we hit the aquarium and the kids loved that as well.
By Sunday they were both ready to come home and get back into a routine. I'm sure if we were staying longer they would have been fine as they didn't complain about wanting to be home until we told them that is where we were going!
Unfortunately somewhere along the way I lost my camera. It literally makes me sick to think about. It was new (just got it in December) and I am AWFUL about printing pictures off the memory card. It really does make me sick to think about so I'm trying not to. Of course we have called EVERYWHERE to see if some nice person has it and we have not had a bit of luck. Oh well.
Needless to say the picture quality on this post is awful as they are all cell phone pictures from my sister in laws phone, and my phone. I thought about not documenting the trip at all but want it for my blog book. Oh well. Maybe now that this post is done I can attempt to forget about the lost camera and move on...yeah right!
I could wake up to this every morning!

He was so excited to be there.

At the ocean! They got soaked right after this picture!

Colten REALLY enjoyed himself.

The love each other so much.

Miss Aubrey EXCITED to go to the beach!

View from the hotel room!

The courtyard at the hotel! SO PRETTY!

They have lots of energy!

A gorgeous sunset.

The boys on the golf course!

Such a beautiful sunset!

Colten walking up the stairs at the beach. Both kids LOVED the beach!

On Saturday we took the kids to the aquarium and everyone had a great time. Once again I just want to cry about not having the pictures from my camera!

Seahorses at the Aquarium.

So Gorgeous!