So it is February 8th and I am just now getting around to blogging about our other Christmas's! I have a new baby at home as well as a perfect 5 year old, and a 3 year old who is as sweet as can be so needless to say I do not have a lot of extra time on my hands. I did decide that I still want all the Christmas pictures in my blog book so I have to swallow my pride and blog about something that occurred almost two months ago!
I am going to start with Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve was spent with my dad, and the rest of his family. We had a great time. We did lunch at our house, and then headed to Topeka to visit my cousins, aunts, and uncles, as well as my grandparents. It was fast and furious but I am so glad we took the time to do it.
Here are the kids at our house on Christmas Eve. It's funny how we went from having no young children in our family to having seven. Isn't life fun?
With Grandma Ginger, and Grandpa (It's REALLY hard to get a good picture of everyone!
With Uncle Brett (unfortunately Auntie Whit had to work).

Wow! Lot's of little ones!

Family photo!
Colten excited to start opening gifts.

OK so I didn't get any of Aubrey opening gifts...I know mother of the year (Actually I will blame her daddy I am pretty sure I was holding a sweet baby girl)!

At Great Grandma, and Grandpa's we had a great time seeing everyone but once again I was very busy and didn't get a lot of pictures taken.

Christmas morning we opened gifts from Santa at our house. Santa was good to everyone this year!

Excited to see all the gifts! Believe it or not we had to wake them up!

I love those three SO much!

Daddy with his babies! I am one lucky mom!

Excited to start their stockings!

Baby Claire had help opening everything. We are SO fortunate that Colten, and Aubrey adore their little sister.

There was LOTS to open.

We had a wonderful Christmas. It was nice to be able to spend so much time with everyone!