Friday, March 30, 2012
Shot Doctor...
Feeling Thankful...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Blast Ball...
Hitting the ball (I know I should have been on the other side of him but I was atempting to stay out of the way).
Thanking God that I get to be his biggest cheer-leader! Good job at blast ball budy!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
First Bites...
Still trying to figure out what I just put in her mouth!
Like I said her first feeding was a success and we can't wait to try all the new foods with her!
Weekend Fun...
Here they are with their adorable cousin at a baseball game. I did have a mini melt down last weekend watching Colten play baseball on the hill. It finally hit me after five years he is officially one of the big kids. I have drug him to the hill numerous times in the last five years and I have always had to worry about what he is doing. Now I can just let him run and know it will be okay. When did my two pound baby get so big? It is so bittersweet.
Here is my big boy playing at the Marlatt playground. Both kids consider all the school play grounds parks too.
He decided he wanted to take his sister on her first trip down a slide. He is such a wonderful big brother and loves his sisters SO much.
Of course Aubrey decided that she needed to take her down the slide too. I promise that despite Claire's facial expressions she LOVED both slides...being help by her brother and sister may be a different story.
Isn't this girl gorgeous? I think she has SO much natural beauty.
So this is basically what our weekends consist of right now. Baseball games, and trips to the park! LOVE it.
Friday, March 23, 2012
5 Months...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Build A Bear...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
St. Patrick's Day...
Here they are posing for a picture so that they could begin their treasure hunt.
They searched the house high and low until they found the treasuer he left behind in the dryer (please excuse the mess that is known as my laundry room). The leprechaun left them each a flashlight, a game, and left Claire a set of keys.
The picture quality is AWFUL but I was stuck holding Claire since Justin was gone.
They were THRILLED and are already talking about next St. Patrick's day!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Aubrey's Birthday Party...
Aubrey, and her friends listening to all the rules before they could play.
This is Aubrey with her boyfriend Jack. They did not leave each other's side the entire night! So cute. She even picked him (over Colten) to play games with her. I think it is safe to say that she has her first boyfriend ad he loves her as much as she loves him. So sweet!
Have I ever mentioned that I love this kid?
Miss Amyah had a wonderful time!
Aubrey! Can't believe that she's four already.
I love this one. They look SO deep in conversation.
What a great daddy daughter picture!
Apparently I did not get all of the pictures from my mom so there will be another Birthday post for Aubrey. I can't leave pictures of cake, and presents out!