PS I thought I would give you a school update as well. He is doing better when we drop him off. He still does not really want to stay but it is nothing like it was. We are thankful for that and know that in time he will love it. We just can't wait to be at the day where he loves it!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Poor Colten
As all of you probably know Manhattan just opened a Hyvee and the kids love going there because of their carts (anything to make taking them to the store easier)! I thought I would post a picture of them in the carts because they are VERY cute!
Colten and Aubrey were very picky about who got to push them. It was very cute. Who knew you could have so much fun at the grocery store?
They both loved it when I told them to slow down!
Like I said we had a great trip to the grocery store but the one thing I was totally shocked by was all the people who had the car carts but no kids in them or near them...Is that weird to any one else? Why on earth would you want to push around a huge cart if you didn't have to? I guess some things will remain a mystery!
The Park
Colten riding the horsey again!
Aubrey finally got a turn and she loved it!
While Aubrey had a lot of fun in the swing!
Before we left we both went down the slide a few hundreed times!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The End of Summer
Colten with his water gun on the way to the pool...or so we thought.
Aubrey watching Barney on the way to the pool.
Since Cico was closed we went up to the pool at Grandma Karen's clubhouse! I didnt get to take any pictures since the pool is deep and we have to watch them pretty close, but we did have a good time...other than the fact that the water was very cold!
Happy Birthday Grandma Donna!
On a happy note after taking the camera apart and charging the batter it works! We tested it out last night and I decided to post the test pictures. Enjoy....As you can see our test objects were the family members that don't get a whole lot of attention these days.
The Dogs!
Here Newman is ready to play!
Jack looking at me like I was wasting his time.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
School Update!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I thought I would give you all a reminder of where Colten started. Here he is just a couple of days old. It's crazy to think about how fast time goes and I can not imaigne our life with out him. Thanks so much to everyone who helped us get him to where he is today. We love you Colten and are so glad that you enjoy school!

Colten in the car on the way to school!
Daddy and Colten getting ready to walk in!
Mommy and Colten. I love my little man so much!
As everything is Colten's first day of school was very bitter sweet. We wish that we had two to send but thank God that Jeret has helped get Colten to where he is today. We miss you Jeret! Mommy and Daddy love you!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Kansas City!
Okay so this one wasn't taken in Kansas City but I thought that I would share it anyways. We had some good Mommy Colten time Friday night.
Here they are after we left the water park. They were wore out! I think we would have stayed longer but they were getting GRUMPY!
Justin and Colten at the T-Rex cafe. I was worried that they would be scared but the loved it. We loved everything but the price!
Aubrey putting on her hard hat on! She didn't want to stand still long enough for me to take her picture but she tried on a dinosaur one too.
Colten tried one on too. They had so much fun!
Justin, Colten, and Aubrey playing games at Dave and Buster's??? Is that what its called? It sounds funny now?
Aubrey driving. She LOVED it. Needless to say they both cried when it was time to go!
Today is also a BIG day for Colten. He starts preschool today and we can't wait to hear all about it tonight. I can't believe how big he's gotten. I'm sure Aubrey and Grandma won't know what to do without him!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Colten the Photographer
Colten took Aubrey's picture and I liked it!
Lots of them turned out like this!
Colten took a picture of mommy and daddy, and a few of his favorite uncles, and aunt (and a million more)!
Colten using chop sticks for the first time (sorry not the best picture but I still have to document it)at PF Chang's YUM!
Colten playing with Uncle Greg.
Sorry about not adding more videos! I hope to get more posted soon!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Movie's Galore!
Summer Fun Continued
Colten, Aubrey, and Bricen getting ready to go through the nature center at Milford. I think they picked the hotest day of the summer to go!
Checking it all out with Grandma Karen, and Bricen.
Of course Colten found the park!
Aubrey on the slide. It looks beyond hot!
My three favorite kids playing together.
Taking a break with Grandma Donna.
Drawing inside the nature center.
As you can see the kids have had a great summer. Thanks to both Grandma's for taking such good care of you guys!
Summer Fun
Aubrey at the begining of the summer enjoying the fresh air. I can't believe how much she has changed in just a few months. She is no longer a baby and is into everything!
Colten and Bricen playing. They do pretty well and don't fight to much!
Colten at the pool. He really enjoys it and loves it when you clap for him after he goes uner water.
Aubrey at the pool. She has no fear!
The two of them together. They have become best freinds this summer.
Spidermen! You gotta love this!
Colten and Bricen really enjoyed reading at the library once a week. In this one they are at story time.
Colten, Bricen, and Aubrey reading on Grandma's porch.
Aubrey helping with Grandma's flowers.
At the park. They had so much fun together.
This really isn't the best picture of her I just can't get over how BIG she has gotten!
Colten and Bricen feeding the ducks! Aubrey slept through it this day.
And a close up of them feeding the ducks!
Aubrey in the slide at Cico.
Out of fear of the upload failing I am going to continue the pictures in a second post. I hope you enjoy all of them!