Well needless to say we had another very busy weekend. We are so blessed to be able to do so many wonderful things each weekend. This weekend we started off by trick or treating in Westloop on Friday night. Colten and Aubrey were joined by their friend Peyton Yoder and of course Kelly, Uncle Brett, and Grandma Donna. It was a lot of fun. Saturday baby Addison got to come home! She is PERFECT! The kids loved her and we enjoyed trick or treating in her neighborhood as well as watching her first football game.
Colten Trick Or Treating in Westloop.
Aubs rode on Uncle Brett's Shoulder's most of the time. It was a lot of walking for someone with such little legs!
Colten striking a pirate pose!
All three of them...It's a lot of work to get them to all look. It was a little cold for the girls therefore you can't really see their costumes. They still had fun though!

Sara, Dan, and Addison! Aren't they a perfect family?
Justin and I loving on our niece for the first time.
Colten meeting Addison. He loved holding her and giving her kisses. I was pleasantly surprised on how well he did!
Aubrey holding Miss Addison. She kept giving kisses as well and saying baby Waa! It was really cute. On Sunday afternoon she kept calling her baby Addison.
The four of us checking her out. We couldn't love her any more and can not wait to make lots of memories with her! Have I mentioned how blessed we are?
In the middle of welcoming Baby Addison we trick or treated. Here is Aubrey, Colten, and Bricen getting ready to go out.
And then Aubrey, Addison, and Colten. Aren't they cute?
Aubrey talking to Addison! She loved her!
The kids walking up to a house. It was funny they only went to about ten houses before deciding they had enough. We were pleasantly surprised.
Finally a family photo! Can you tell we wore them out?