We hope that everyone had a great thanksgiving! I know that our family had a lot of fun and we were so thankful to be able to spend the day together! We truly have been blessed with so much. I hope everyone has been as fortunate as us! Here are some pictures of the day!
Okay this one is not of Thanksgiving but I thought he looked to cute not to share it! I can't believe he is going to be three in a few weeks!
Okay this one is not of Thanksgiving but I thought he looked to cute not to share it! I can't believe he is going to be three in a few weeks!
My two favorite boys in the whole world! They really enjoyed watching the parade together! I can't believe how into it Colten got!
The newest thing we have to be thankful for. Addison!
Aubrey and Addison laying together. It made me sad to see how big my "baby" really is! Why do they have to grow up so fast?
Aubrey was VERY tired after eating all her turkey!
My attempt to get a picture of Aubrey and I...she was more interested in watching Wubzzy (sp?)!
Aubrey getting to do what she really wanted to do! Maybe some day she will want to take a picture with her Mama!
Colten after a long fun day that did not include a nap! He was READY for bed last night!
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