Well it's offical. My baby boy is now three years old! We had a party for him over the weekend and had so much fun. He loved it and is still on a high from it. We are so blessed to have so many friends and family members attend. Thanks for making Colten's day so special. Enjoy!
Here is Colten taking a wack at his pinata!
And all the kids picking up the candy...I think they had a lot of fun!
The Birthday Boy eating! He had so much fun!
Aubrey had so much fun...She almost made it through but had to nap during cake and presents!
Here she is back awake and having fun!
Even Miss Addison made it to the party!
Colten and Gabby LOVED the drums!
Cake Number 1!
Cake Number 2!
Colten and his new trains! He really just wanted to open everything!
Here is Colten going down the slide!
Aubrey and I had a turn too!
Bricen was just plain CRAZY!
Colten, Aubrey, and Peyton in the bouncy house!
I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone! We appreciate you helping make his day extra special!
PS! I have been SO Busy that I forgot to wish Grandpa Mike a happy birthday last week. We hope it was great!