Last week we got enough snow here to cancel school for both Colten, and Bricen for two days. Although Justin and I both had to work my mom and Justin's mom were able to take care of the kidos. They went sledding and my mom took lots of pictures for me. I wish I could have been there to join in the fun...I guess I should have been a teacher!
Colten and Aubrey ready to go sledding!
Colten and Aubrey ready to go sledding!
The boys going back up the hill after they went down. I was told they had a blast!
He looks cold but he is still having fun!
The boys with their snow...They are nuts!
Aubrey in the snow. She looks so cold! Poor girl!
This one is not on their snow day but I thought it was to cute not to share!
Aubrey finally has some one to play with too!
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