I am thankful that this little girl was so good at the doctor last week (she didn't even cry during a blood draw)!

I am even more thankful that her diabetes test results came back negative! We do have to change her diet a little bit but nothing major!

I am thankful that these two are best friends. When we lost Jeret I was scared that Colten would not have a close bond with his other siblings. Boy was I wrong. I am so thankful that God blessed us with two beautiful children so close in age, and while Aubrey is not Colten's twin I am beyond thankful that they are so close!

I am thankful that Colten does so well with his shots, and we do not feel like we are torturing him every night!

I am thankful for my wonderful husband! I could not ask for a better husband, and daddy!

Finally I am thankful that tomorrow is FRIDAY, and we have the weekend to spend together as a family, celebrating a this sweet little girl's first birthday!