Aubrey stated dance on Monday and she LOVES it (even more than I thought she would)! We are really lucky to have her in a class by herself. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about that but now I realize it couldn't be better. She LOVED the one on one attention she got. For now we are only doing every other week but if she proves that she can stay focused during dance class every time we won't have a choice other than to go more often! I love that she loves it and can have something that is her "thing".
Miss Aubrey started class off with some stretching.
She loved lookin in the mirrior as she danced!
I still am not over how well she if she would only listen to me!
She LOVED the jumping exercise.
She really LOVED everything about dance class!
I love how she is on her tip toes (like she is suppose to be) in this one! What a big girl!
I realize she has on her "normal clothes" in these but I promise after class was over (and I realized she would actually do this) we bought a leotard, a tutu, and dance shoes....we haven't told daddy yet how expensive all the extras that go along with dance class are!
And some pictures from my phone, not the best but I had to share anyways! Isn't my baby girl perfect?

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