Of course our whole reason for visiting New York was to watch the Cat's play in the Pinstripe Bowl. It was a great experience. I mean really how many people can say they have watched a football game at Yankee Stadium? The Cat's came up a little short but it was an experience we will never forget!
I could not believe how close the stadium was to the subway...CRAZINESS!
Yankee Stadium.
Colten, and Justin outside Yankee Stadium. We are going to have to go back some day when Colten is old enough to appreciate it.
Family photo. The kids were both tired and GRUMPY at this point. Great photo huh?
Take two wasn't much better (but you can't not take a photo outside Yankee Stadium).
The dug out.
Colten! What a goof!
Go Cat's!
Getting ready for the game to start. Thank goodness we had a spot inside to go and warm up!
Bring on the Cat's!
Love him, but still do not understand why he has no coat on.
Grandpa with his boys watching a game at Yankee Stadium.
Colten was more interested in his ipod than the game.
After Missy woke up from her nap...yes that is ketchup all over her face.
Pinstripe Bowl.