One excited girl! She was to excited to look at me!
With the fish they picked out! Apparently you can put female betas in the same bowl. I didn't know that until last night.
Excited to put the fish in their new home! I told them they had to but their PJ's on before they put the fish in the bowl but Daddy is a sucker and let them go at it once they were naked!
Aubrey pouring princess (yes her fish is pink) into the bowl!
Colten putting his fish in the bowl!
The three best thing's in my life looking at our new fish!
Yes the fish were both still alive this morning!
I meant to get a picture of the fish in the bowl at the end but had pregnancy brain and completely spaced that out!
Again excuse the cell phone pictures. I promise to charge my camera battery soon!
He was THRILLED to have a box to play in. Tell me again why I buy them toys?
Her approach was a little different than Colten's...
Please ignore the CRAZY hair (poor girl)! Crazy hair and all this girl brings us so much happiness!
Please excuse the bad photo quality. My camera battery was dead so I was stuck using cell phone pictures.
When we first got to the mall she was SO tired. It is hard to stay a wake all day when you wake up at 4:15am! Luckily she was excited enough to stay awake through the process!
She was SO excited to be there finally!
Aunt Lauren's turn. She decided she should hold her hands since I held Aubrey's hands when it was her turn!
And because no post would be complete with out a picture of my best little man!
Colten was in a great mood that morning!
Getting ready to head back to surgery!
After surgery trying to wake up still!
During our 4am trip to the ER. My heart broke for him. I had NEVER seen anyone in so much pain. I hate that helpless feeling you get when your child is hurting and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to take the pain a way.
Here is my boy this morning. Back to being much happier! I hope that we finally have his pain figured out and he can go on being a normal four and a half year old!
Colten watching the Royals game. Of course it wouldn't be a Royals game if we didn't spend $5000 on food!
Here the kids are excited to spend some time in the little K. It was so much fun!
He did really well and kept telling me to pretend he was Mike Kindall (a K-State player) instead of Colten!
Aubrey got a chance at it too. She however preferred the merry go round!
They look thrilled don't they?
We hope to have many more many trips with family! Hopefully next time everyone will be feeling great!