Aubrey had her very first pageant this past weekend. It was a lot of fun for both her and I, and to make it even better she won! What a sweet girl she was all day. I LOVED seeing her so excited about it. She absolutely LOVES to be on stage so this was right up her alley. The pageant was here in town so it was easy and way less complicated for a first time experience. I can't say that we are going to go all out and do a ton of them but I am all for the experience for her. She absolutely loved it and was disappointed on Sunday morning when I told her that she didn't have one that day. Goofy girl. I am currently in the process of finding another one for her to do!
OK so here we go!
Well first Miss Claire because I thought she looked adorable!
Leah (her nanny) practiced on her hair Friday. Isn't she beautiful?
We got up Saturday morning and went and got her nails painted. She LOVES this. Such a girly girl. She chose to have a flower on two fingers, and the rest of the nails hot pink. This is not required of her as they are natural beauty pageant but we thought it would be a fun thing to do.
After our nails we went over to Leah and Laurren's (her nanny's house) to have them help with her hair.
Here she is getting ready to go.
When we got there they did a practice round on the stage, and then they headed into interviews. Man I wish I could have sat in on her interview!
Here she is with some of the girls.
Then it was time to begin. They started in their casual wear. For some reason we did not get a picture of her in this outfit on stage. How cute does she look? Seriously!
Of course she had a big cheering section. Colten was SO proud of her. He even made a sign for her to hold up every time she went on stage.

How sweet is he?
On stage in her casual wear!
Then they came and changed and it was time for the onstage interview. She did AMAZING. They asked her about her favorite book, movie, animal, etc. Her answers were all great and I hope things like this help her so she never has a fear of public speaking.
Then it was time for her party dress. She was asked a couple more questions before she was allowed to leave the stage.
After this they brought all the girls back on stage for one last look!
Seriously! He cheered SO loud for her.
After what seemed like ten years it was finally time for awards.
SHE WON! She was Miss Cinderella Tot Manhattan. Of course in things like this everyone "wins" but she actually one first place and she was SO excited. She jumped up and down on stage. Not going to lie when we got home she decided she needed to rest for a while...while snuggling her trophy!
Here she is with Miss Manhattan!
Love them all SO much.
With Leah, and Laurren. Aren't they all SO cute.
I am still not over how proud of her he was.
With her Grandma's!
And Miss Claire. Isn't she sweet?
Uncle Brett with his nieces and nephew.
Family photo.
When we came out the local TV channel asked if they could interview her for the news. Of course we agreed. Naturally she did great on these questions too.
One final picture before we headed home.
Aubs we are SO proud of you!