Friday, March 30, 2018


We had a quick trip to Wichita a few weeks ago and had a blast!
First some random pictures! :)

The weather has been so crazy! Claire wore flip flops, Aubs wore uggs and they both seemed appropriate!
Lots of Puppy Love!

A trip to the nail saloon!

Then more puppy love!

Music Program...

Claire did a wonderful job at her music program.  They had a unique idea where they moved around, and danced.  It was lots of fun to watch!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Clay Center Tournament...

Aubrey's team took first in the Clay Center tournament. It was their very first tournament and they all played great. So much fun with these girls this year.

After the tournament we rushed back to Manhattan for a couple of league games for Colten. It was a LONG day but very fun!

We also had our very first zit the same weekend! Had to be documented! :) Why do they have to grow so fast?