Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Watch Dog...

Justin got to be Watch Dog at Claire's school for her 7th birthday.  He had lots of fun spending the day in her classroom and they even got to go on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. He came home exhausted!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Leah and Josh...

This past weekend Leah and Josh came to watch Colten play football. Needless to say I had some happy girls!  They love their LeLe!

Happy Birthday Claire...

Sweet Claire had a great time celebrating her special day this year!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Happy Birthday Claire...

Can not believe my baby girl is seven today! These first seven years have gone by in the blink of an eye and I am positive the next seven will go even faster.

I often tell people if you were my first child you would have been my last child too! I love your strong opinion on every subject.  
The fact that at just seven years old you are willing and able to stand up for what you believe in. 
You are an animal lover through and through. 
You love your mama like no other and for that I am grateful.  
We are blessed that you love school, and that it comes naturally to you. 
While you are very shy you are very sweet.  
You still have a belly laugh that brings a smile to my face every time I hear it. 
Your toothless smiles melt my heart and make me want to bottle this up and keep you seven for ever.
I am so blessed to be your mama and I can not wait to see where the next seven years take us.  
I love you sweet girl and I hope that on the hard days you always know that dad and I are ALWAYS here for you!
Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Love my little slime monster!

Grace and Roxie...

Gracie and Roxie are our latest fosters. It has been so fun having a three week old puppy and her mama in the house. They are both sweet pups and bring us so much joy.

Hot Chocolate...

Winter is officially here! We made hot chocolate this weekend! I love her big smile and the excitement in her eyes!


Volleyball finished last weekend. We were sad to see it end but loved the memories that Aubs made along the way.  Now on to basketball.


MORE puppy pictures! We loved having these two crazy boys!