Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend Continued!

I thought I would post a few more pictures from our trip to KC last weekend. I thought they were to cute not to share. Enjoy!
Once again trying to keep Colten content at the mall! We stopped on the way home in Topeka...I needed a break from driving in all the crappy weather! It's time like that when I REALLY miss my husband!

Aubrey loved the train!

She waved Hi every time she went around. It was very sweet!

She also loved the slide! I am so ready for spring so we can go to the park again!

Colten rode too!

We had a little down time before the wedding! Colten enjoyed some TV!

Aubrey was to tired to care!

An attempt to get a picture of the kids and I!

Aubrey decided she needed another nap before we went to the wedding!

Colten decided a photo shoot sounded like more fun than taking a nap. He was very proud of his outfit!

I love this kid!

My baby and I!

We have another fun weekend planned this weekend! I can't wait to enjoy every minute of it!

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