Monday, February 7, 2011

A Heavy Heart...

A Heavy Heart. I always debate if I should post stuff like this or not, and have decided that it is my blog and if people don't want to read about it that's fine they can stop reading the blog. I want to remember ten years from now how we felt in regards to our sweet baby boy and this is the best and easiest way for me to keep a journal of everything happening in our crazy lives. Lately we have all been missing Jeret like crazy. It is funny how it comes and goes. Some days are easy and while we still think of him we are not overwhelmed with sadness. We can function and make it through the day. Lately that has not been the case. Lately it has been REALLY hard. I don't know if it is because the older Colten gets the farther away we seem from Jeret or if it is just a part of life that we will never overcome. I can't stop thinking about this sweet boy.

I wonder what could of been. What his personality would be? Who he would be today?
I know that this is a part of life but today it doesn't seem like a very fair part of life. I'm missing my baby boy.

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