Friday, November 30, 2012

Hijacked Phone...

I was going through my phone today and realized that the kids had hijacked it and taken about a million pictures with it (like they always do) as I started to delete the pictures I started to look at them.  My heart melted when I realized how much fun they were having TOGETHER on it.  My prayer has always been that the kids are the best of friends as they grow up.  That they can count on each other, and know that when times are tough they do have each other.  This probably sounds crazy but as I looked through their pictures I realized that at this point in their young lives they have that.  Looking at the pure joy, and excitement they had while taking these pictures melted my heart, and I realized I could not just delete them.  I am so glad that for now all of my children adore each other.  I hope, and pray as they age that bond only becomes stronger, and that when they interact with each other they have the same excitement as they do in these photos.
On another note how adorable is my little shark?
Finally a picture of my big boy, and his friends at lunch.  When did he grow up?

Elfy's Return...

Elfy returned last Friday! The kids were thrilled to see him again. While they were playing at Grandma's (mom had to work, and daddy was hanging Christmas lights) they were sent this picture. The excitement continued from there! 
He hides ALL over the house.
Of course with his return came the Christmas PJ's!
After we found our jammies we decided it was the perfect time to begin decorating the tree.  My tree is puny.  I really want to get a new one after Christmas this year.
Claire even helped this year!  What a perfect night.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Part 2...

Since Grandma Donna did a much better job than I did taking pictures on Thanksgiving I thought I would share hers too!
Three adorable kids.  Love those faces.
Miss Claire is a DROOL machine.
She is SO pretty.
Family photo did not turn out so hot.
Grandma Karen, and Claire.
Look at that sweet face.  She is getting SO big.
Daddy and Colten had to play some football.
Auntie Whit tried to get the girls to take a nap with her.  This was a failed attempt.
Whitney with her babies.
Uncle Brett, and Claire.
She was serious about eating.
Nap time for mama.
Love the bow!
Of course another game of football HAD to be played.
She was such a happy girl while singing happy birthday.  Don't think her smile could get any bigger!
Breakfast on Friday morning while I was stuck working.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Aubrey is participating in the KSU Cheer Club. She has loved every minute of it, and is very excited to be able to cheer at the Women's game on Friday night. She is by far the youngest one there but despite that she does really well. I can't wait to watch her Friday.
Seriously...just look at the smile on that sweet face!

Horsey Ride...

Claire had her first "Horse" ride this past weekend, and she loved every second of it!   I know the pictures are really dark but you can still see the excitement in her face.  She rode about ten times (not even kidding) and each time she had the same reaction.  I also love that her sweet brother, and sister were willing to go over, and over again to help her.  She is one LOVED little girl.